Our history

BCA originated as a retail computer store (different name) in Spokane, WA in February 1985. In June 1991 the retail store was transformed into a Professional Services company and the name was changed to Business Computer Analysts, while retaining the same ownership, Gary I. Kwart and Cynthia R. DeMarco-Kwart as general partners. Gary I. Kwart served as General Manager and Cynthia R. DeMarco-Kwart served as Controller.
On January 1, 2016, the business became: BUSINESS COMPUTER ANALYSTS LLC
located on the Spokane South Hill with Gary I. Kwart, CEO and Cynthia R. DeMarco-Kwart, CFO as equal (50/50) shareholders, working in their previous rolls.
As of December 2021, Business Computer Analysts LLC transitioned to become: BUSINESS COMPUTER ANALYSTS USA LLC
with Joshua W. Smith, CEO, having 100% ownership on January 1, 2022.

Proactive Management

We'll monitor your IT around the clock, resolve issues before they cause you problems, and constantly work to future-proof your IT

Worry-Free IT

The technology your company depends on shouldn’t cause you stress. As odd as it sounds, we know that IT should be in the back of your mind — it should simply work.

Email Security Solutions

Email is the No. 1 threat vector. Social actions such as phishing and email scams arrive via email 96% of the time, and these security threats are always evolving.
Proofpoint delivers the most effective unified solution to protect your people and critical data from advanced email threats.

Compliance Managment

Rely on BCA for your IT compliance mandated by federal and state laws, industry standards, vendor contacts and cyber insurance policies. We use the Most Customizable Compliance Solution on the Planet.

Mission Statement

1 Our goal is to provide safety, security, and stability for our clients.

2 Our mission is a service mission. We strive for excellence in all of our work.

3 This firm and its members are governed by the highest ethical standards of honesty, integrity and fairness to us, our clients, our vendors and the general public.

4 We design jobs for the benefit of our clients. Then we help our clients plan and transition their systems as smoothly as possible.

5 Our computer systems are carefully designed to meet our client’s technical specifications and are tailored to our clients’ financial requirements.

6 Our highest priority objectives are data preservation and cyber security and as needed HIPPA, DOD and PCI compliance.

VOIP with Microsoft Teams

Simplified communication and collaboration

No matter where you and your team are, you’re connected with the only communications solution native to Teams.

Enterprise-grade communication

Help administrators focus on keeping their organizations connected with a simple-to-manage experience.

Mobile-first experiences

Empower employees in remote, in-office, or hybrid work environments with the flexibility of Teams Phone.